Tree-mendous Photos

Tree-mendous Photos is a collection of quirky trees that have been photographed and sent in by wonderful subscribers like you!

Ornamental tree covered in stuffed toys

A Different Kind of Ornamental

Usually prized for their large, showy flowers, the colorful growths on this Northern Catalpa (Catalpa speciosa) make it stand out even more than normal. This ornamental tree is guaranteed a steady stream of admirers as it is located just off a bike-trail in Hudson, WI. Thank you to Brian Meissner for this Tree-mendous Photo!!

Green leaves covered in pointy insect galls

Numerous Nails

Those little red horns growing out of the leaf aren't actually the last tentacles of a tiny octopus that was unwittingly engulfed by a sneaky tree. Instead those are galls. Often referred to as nail or bugle galls, the tree grows them when the leaves are stimulated by chemicals in the saliva of mites from the genus Eriophyes. After such growth, the mite has a cozy gall to feed and breed in throughout the summer. The Octopus Hypothesis is just as plausible though, right? The hosts for these manipulative, saliva-secreting critters tend to be trees in the Tilia genus, such as the specimen pictured here. Thank you to Elisabeth Landgren for this Tree-mendous Photo!!

Next time you're out amongst some trees, take a minute to stop and look around. If you happen to spot a particularly strange-looking growth, a bizarre growing habit, or anything else that makes you want to look a little closer please take a picture and send it to us at